In response to Covid-19, we took a portion of our workshop online. Produced under DARE (Disability Arts: Redefining Empowerment) project of the British Council, this tutorial series on 'Inclusive Theatre' is aimed to focus on how to work in disability theatre to ensure inclusive theatre practice.


Part 1: What is Acting?

In this tutorial, Dola has focused on the basics of acting which covers a few basic things that have to be practised and to be kept in mind, and to understand what acting is. 

Watch here:

Part 2: Acting with Expressions

In this tutorial, Dola has focused on the importance of expressions, how to develop the expressions to bring those to acting, and the exercises that needs to be performed to develop these skills related to expression.

Watch here:

Part 3: A Brief on Dialogue, Speeches, and Signs for Acting

In this tutorial, Dola has focused on how to do facial exercises and methods that will aid in dialogue and speeches in an inclusive theatre.

Watch here:

Part 4: Dialogue and Emotion

In this tutorial, Dola has focused on how to create and express emotions through dialogue.

Watch here:

Part 5: The Essence of Acting

In this tutorial, Dola talks about the 9 essence of acting and how these essences make the audience experience the acting.

Watch here:


Part 6: Acting in Inclusive Theatre

In this tutorial, in celebration of UK Disability History Month and International Day of Persons with Disability, Dola talks about how each and every individual is different in their own way and the importance of capturing the difference for an inclusive theatre.

Watch here:


Part 7: The Essence of Acting (Part 2)

In this tutorial, Dola talks about the 3 essences of acting and how these essences can express anger, fear and courage.

Watch here:

Part 8: Body Language in Inclusive Theatre

In this tutorial, Dola talks about how to use one's body language to express or act out a scenario.

Watch here:

Part 9: Body Language in Inclusive Theatre (Part 2)

In this tutorial, Dola demonstrates a few exercises to help one use one's body language to express or act out a scenario.

Watch here:

Part 10: Characters and Characterisation

In this tutorial, Dola talks about characters and characterisations in theatre, and how these things play crucial roles while developing any type of production.

Watch here:


Part 11: Characters and Characterisation (Part 2)

In this tutorial, Dola talks about the methods of observing a character before getting into its characterisation.

Watch here:

See also