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The British Council IELTS Partnership Programme is a membership scheme for organisations that register and prepare candidates for IELTS. It’s been designed to show appreciation for the support that your institution offers us.

There are five levels of membership - Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Platinum Plus. Depending on the number of candidates that members register with the British Council, the membership status is reviewed quarterly or yearly.

The benefits accumulate as you move up the levels enabling a long-term mutually beneficial partnership between your organisation and the British Council.

What benefits will we receive if we join the programme?

  • Professional support and development opportunities for your trainers and candidates.
  • Wide range of learning resources for your students.
  • Range of support services and other resources from the British Council.
  • Certificate from the British Council recognising your organisation.
  • Exclusive access to use the following straplines in your marketing communications: 'IELTS registration centre for the British Council' or 'Member of the British Council IELTS Partnership Programme'.

To join the British Council IELTS Partnership Programme, please contact us.

IELTS Associate partnership scheme

This is another partnership scheme for organisations, through which British Council Bangladesh conducts tests and registers candidates at partners' premises. See a list of our IELTS registration centres. To find out more, please contact us.