Dhaka Literary Festival, held at the historic premises of the Bangla Academy every year since 2012, marks a resurgence of Bangladeshi literary culture, while vigorously engaging other cultures far beyond our own borders. It began its journey with a pilot event in 2011, under the aegis of the world-famous Hay-on-Wye festival.

This year, the British Council welcomed crowds by providing information about Higher Education scholarships, the British Council digital library, IELTS tips, and tricks, flash poetry and live caricature sessions which were among the many activities that was the highlight of the British Council’s three-day activity at the stall.

We supported three UK authors- Curtis Jobling, Yara Rodrigues Fowler, and Jan Blake, all of who were featured at the main festival as well as conducted individual outreach events for the British Council in both Dhaka and Chattogram. Curtis Jobling did a creative writing workshop and Jan Blake performed during her storytelling session, both of which took place in the British Council premises. Yara Rodrigues Fowler conducted writing workshops in Chattogram in Asian University for Women, International Islamic University and the British Council premises.

By working with Dhaka Lit Fest, we aim to enrich the next generation of Bangladeshi leaders and strengthen their link with the UK while also making Bangladeshi literature accessible in the UK by bringing authors and discussions to our premises.

“Jan Blake’s stories took me back to my childhood,” said Shaon, a visitor to the festival. “It has been a long time since I had heard a story, that too in such an interactive manner.”

“We believe the festival has gotten better every year and it has become a tradition in our family to come to the Lit Fest,” said another visitor, Sonia.

Our work in the arts connect with the best of British creative talent to deliver innovative, high-quality events and develop collaborations with artists and cultural institutions in Bangladesh.