Mad Hatter
Thursday 16 August 2018 -
17:00 to 19:00

“There is a place. Like no place on Earth. A land full of wonder, mystery, and danger! Some say to survive it: You need to be as mad as a hatter.”- Mad Hatter
Become a hatter for a day and feel that madness with the British Council Cultural Centre. Spend your time with a real hatter, get to know the Mad Hatter’s mystery, and learn the trick and tips to create your own BONKERS hat. Experience the wonders of the Alice’s world and become much more “muchier”!

Book your chair at the Mad Hatters tea table before the time freezes again. So, hurry up! Only the first 20 hatters will get to be the lucky ones! Visit our Fuller Road office within 14 August 2018 (regular office time) and ensure your participance at the event.

Event Details

  • Story Time with Mad Hatter
  • Bonkers Hat Making Workshop

Registration Details

  • Age: 7 to 13 (The Imaginers)
  • Fee: Tk 200.00 for Library Members
            Tk 400.00 for others

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