Education UK Bangladesh Career Summit 2015
Saturday 21 November 2015 - 11:48
British Council, Fuller Road, Dhaka

Education UK Bangladesh has recently organised a Career Summit with huge success. The event was organised at the British Council Dhaka on Saturday 21 November 2015 for Bangladeshi students who have studied in the UK or pursuing UK qualifications in Bangladesh. The Career Summit created a unique networking opportunity for UK graduates, UK institutions and local, multinational and international companies. More than 45 HR specialists and personnel attended the summit either to represent their organisations or to run a session on employability or simply to become a part of this excellent initiative. Probably this has turned into one of the biggest ever UK alumni gathering in Bangladesh with more than 500 visitors.

The talents of our country groomed in the UK should always explore career opportunities here. Thanks to the British Council for building the pathway" - HR Director, Coats Bangladesh

A recent Student Insight Survey reveals ‘employer’ as the greatest influencer on students' decision making process while choosing an overseas study destination with 34.6% respondents selecting this option. The career summit has thus been designed to have UK Institutions and HR specialists from different organisations to deliver plenary sessions focusing on topics around employability, such as job oriented course specifications, CV writing skills or facing an interview and will interact with graduates in a networking session.

David Gee, Global Employability Development Manager, University of the West of England, Bristol will ran a plenary session on ‘Getting the Edge’: How to Sell your UK Education Effectively to Graduate Employers in Bangladesh.

There were 9 parallel sessions on different topics related to employability and entrepreneurship including a session on success stories of UK Alumni who are currently pursuing a successful career in Bangladesh: UK alumni currently working in the local job market will share their experience of studying in the UK and their journey towards securing their current career path. We have received very positive feedback from the visitors and also from the participating employers. 

Organisations participated: Bashundhara Group, Brac Bank Ltd, Coats Bangladesh Ltd, Consumark Ltd, DFID Bangladesh, Dnet, Heidelberg Cement, HSBC Bank, MAC & Co, MACES, Maxwell Stamp Ltd. Bangladesh, Robi Axiata Limited, Standard Chartered Bank, Unilever Bangladesh Limited 

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