International Women's Day 2015
Monday 02 March 2015 - 00:00 to Wednesday 11 March 2015 - 00:00
British Council Bangladesh

Empowering women and girls and achieving gender equality are crucial to creating inclusive, open and prosperous societies. The British Council contributes to this agenda by creating opportunities for dialogue to influence policies that benefit women and girls; work with partners to promote access and opportunity for women and girls and build the skills and confidence of women and girls to achieve their potential and have more influence over decisions that affect their lives.

Annually on 8 March, thousands of events are held throughout the world to inspire women and celebrate achievements. A global web of rich and diverse local activity connects women from all around the world ranging from political rallies, business conferences, government activities and networking events through to local women's craft markets, theatrical performances, fashion parades and more.

This year the theme for International Women's Day is #MakeItHappen. In line with the theme we've organised series of events at your favourite hangouts.

Special Discount for women on our new library membership

02 MARCH 2015 - 10 MARCH 2015  |  DHAKA & CHITTAGONG

We are glad to announce that we will provide 10% library membership (new membership only) discount to all women from 2-10 March for the British Council Dhaka & Chittagong library premises.

Round table discussion on Empowering Women 

05 MARCH 2015  |  DHAKA

We will arrange a round table discussion on Empowering Women at the Daily Star centre. This session will be a joint initiative of the British Council, Standard Chartered Bank & the Daily Star. 

Panel discussion with Journalists


09 MARCH 2015  |  DHAKA

We will organise a panel discussion with journalists with key panelists on 'Women at Work: Challenges and Prospects' with the library members and invited guests