British Council supporting in UN Peacekeeping Operations
Sunday 15 March 2015 - 00:00 to Monday 23 March 2015 - 00:00
Bangladesh Military Educational Institutions

Bangladesh is one of the leading countries in deploying peacekeepers to trouble-spots throughout the globe. It was therefore a natural extension of the British Council, Bangladesh’s collaboration with the British High Commission and the defence section to include the English training for peacekeepers in our English for Defence Services programmes. In March 2015, we started a seven-day teacher’s training course to 26 officers from the Bangladesh Armed Forces, who deliver English language courses to the pre-deployment peacekeepers from Bangladesh and the region. The aim of the course was to upgrade the practise of English and English language teaching methodology of the armed forces trainers.

The participants who attended the training demonstrated very encouraging progress during the course. Many of them were introduced to communicative teaching methodology for the first time. At the end of the training, all of them reported that they were ready to bring adaptations in their teaching and are now confident in delivering their lessons following communicative and learning-centred and task based teaching techniques in order to develop the communicative competences of the Bangladesh Army Education. They believe that this will also help them to perform their duties and training in contexts of peace keeping.  


The British Council’s engagement has contributed to promote peace and stability around the world. It has also strengthened the relationship between institutions of the UK – specifically the British High Commission and the British Council – and Bangladesh Military Educational Institutions.