IELTS ready premium

We help you get the IELTS score you want by providing more free and premium IELTS preparation than any other test provider. With us, you will get the best possible tools and knowledge to be confident and fully prepared on your test day.

Free online IELTS preparation resources and mock tests: IELTS Ready Member and Premium

IELTS Ready Member is a free resource available to you even before you book a test. IELTS Ready Premium is also available for free, but only after you have booked your IELTS test with the British Council. 

Here’s what you can expect from IELTS Ready Member and IELTS Ready Premium:

IELTS Ready Member IELTS Ready Premium

Free to all on sign up even without booking an IELTS test

Free access upon booking IELTS with us

Book in advance to make the most of this premium and exclusive preparation offer!

  • Free online access to 6 mock tests and speaking practice
  • Practice exercises for all question types
  • Tips and videos for score improvement
  • Free IELTS preparation webinars
  • 8 videos for new test takers and 4 for repeat test takers
  • Personalised study plan
  • 40 full practice tests
  • 25 Academic and 15 General exams available, for all four sections of the test
  • Live and recorded lessons
  • Adaptive practice questions tailored to test takers’ abilities
  • Comprehensive guidance and model answers to enhance test takers’ performance in reading, writing, and listening sections
  • Mobile-friendly
Sign up for IELTS Ready Member Book IELTS with the British Council and get IELTS Ready Premium  


Benefits of using IELTS Ready preparation resources:

Prepare for all elements of your test and improve your IELTS score

With our IELTS Ready study resources, you have access to a wealth of materials that cover all aspects of the IELTS test. From grammar and vocabulary exercises to reading and listening comprehension practice, our resources are there to help you check and improve your skills, so you get the IELTS score that you want. 

Identify your strengths and weaknesses to get more efficient in your IELTS preparation

By familiarising yourself with the test format and timing, you will be able to identify your strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to focus your preparation efforts effectively.

Refine your skills with IELTS experts

If you are looking to take your IELTS preparation to the next level, our masterclasses provide in-depth guidance and strategies. Led by experienced IELTS instructors, these classes delve into specific sections of the test, helping you refine your skills and approach.