Regional heats (auditions) are the first stage of the FameLab Bangladesh journey. Being able to dazzle the judges will secure your place in the national final, where you will battle it out to represent Bangladesh at the FameLab international finals in the UK.

Listen to some of the FameLab winners on why you should sign up and how the competition has changed their lives.


The competition is open to anyone aged 18 and older who is working in or studying technology, engineering, medicine, biology, chemistry, physics or maths in Bangladesh. This includes private and public sector employees.

We welcome:

  • Lecturers and researchers in science, technology, engineering or mathematics, including specialist science teachers with a science degree
  • People who work on applying science, engineering, technology or mathematics (e.g. patent clerks, statisticians, consultants to industry)
  • University students of science, technology, mathematics or engineering aged 18 and over
  • People who apply science, technology, mathematics or engineering in the armed forces or government bodies
  • People who apply science, technology, engineering or mathematics in industry or business

We cannot accept:

People who are already working professionally in public engagement with science, including:

  • Press or PR officers, even for science-related organisations
  • Artists who work on science-related themes
  • Performers whose shows are about science or engineering
  • Science centre staff who work exclusively or mainly with the public
  • Journalists and broadcasters (as their main or only job)
  • Non-specialist teachers

    Please contact us at if you are unsure about your eligibility.

What happens at the regional heats?

FameLab Bangladesh 2018 will have regional heats or auditions in Dhaka for the participants across Bangladesh. The heats will be held at the British Council, Dhaka University campus office. All events will take place between 18 to 22 March 2018. Participants will be notified on their schedules.

The order of the day

  • You will present your three minute talk to the FameLab judges.
  • The judges will ask questions after each presentation and will also give feedback where possible.
  • Winners who will be proceeding to the national final will be announced. If a public audience is present, they may also vote for a special audience prize. 
  • For all heats, a short sci-comms training/information session will be offered to all presenters beforehand. More details will be provided when you apply.

 The rules

  • Presentations must be no longer than three minutes (content will not be judged after this time limit).
  • PowerPoint is not allowed.
  • No background music (unless this is what you are talking about).
  • Props are permitted but are limited to what you can carry on stage. There is no time for set up once on stage.

Get Tickets

Family and friends are encouraged to come along and lend support to competing FameLabbers.

By joining the audience you can create a lively atmosphere for the contestants and you will even get to choose your favourite talk at the end. The audience prize is completely independent of the judges' decision so your vote really counts! Come along, join in, get involved!

Entry is FREE but pre-booking may be required. Ticket details for all FameLab Bangladesh 2018 regional heats and the national final will be posted here as soon as they are known.

To book a ticket, let us know your name, contact number, e-mail address, age and gender through an e-mail at- by 8 March 2018. Once the heat sessions are scheduled, we will inform you through an e-mail.