The rickshaw project is a collaboration between Manchester Museum and Uronto Artist Community as part of the British Council’s Our Shared Culutral Heritage (OSCH) project. The teams are working virtually to train the young artists from Manchester to understand more about what rickshaw art is and how to implement those. 

Part of the Rickshaw art project includes two public-facing sessions and six online brainstorming sessions. The session on 'History of Rickshaw Art' was conducted by Souradeep Dasgupta, and the session on 'Symbolism and Design Pattern' was conducted by Shawon Akand and Bishwajit Goswami. Online sessions were designed by a traditional rickshaw painter from Bangladesh, Syed Ahamed Hossan who will directly work on designing the Rickshaws for Manchester Museums collection with the artists. Currently, he is taking the virtual sessions and showcasing the styles of rickshaw painting to young artists. 

The final phase of the project is aiming to kick of at the end of October 2022 when the rickshaws in Manchester will be designed and will be in the South Asian Gallery for public display.