
Southbank Centre and British Council

WOW Dhaka: Chittagong Chapter organised by the British Council, South Bank Centre, Bonhishikha and SPaRC. It will provide a platform to celebrate women and girls, and explore the obstacles which prevent them from achieving their full potential. It will consist of speed mentoring, panel discussions, performances, inspirational talks and many more, highlighting the particular challenges facing the women of Bangladesh. Topics covered include tech for women, legal support, health, leadership, and how to support young Bangladeshi people as empowered individuals. 

The programme will bring together women from all over Chittagong and provoke conversations between teachers, community leaders, artists, activists, filmmakers and entrepreneurs who discussed significant issues facing women today as well as celebrated and highlighted their achievements. It curates an inclusive, empowering space that pushes at the boundaries of gender conventions, refusing to limit itself or the women and men who interact with it, by making it a space for everyone. By pulling together diverse contributions from the wider community, WOW Dhaka: Chittagong Chapter draws upon a lived reality to inspire real change.

What is WOW?

WOW (Women of the World) is a festival that celebrates women and girls and taking a frank look at the obstacles they face across the world. There are talks, performances, activism, workshops, food, music, mentoring, workshops and more. WOW is for everyone, and brings people together from all corners of society - both speakers and audience members - energising and providing the inspiration and tools to make a change.  WOW is a place where hundreds of women’s stories can be shared, feelings vented, minds influenced and fun had. Each WOW is for everyone, bold and broad-based in approach, both lively and serious, bringing together of people from all corners of society.

WOW in Bangladesh

Back in 2016, British Council hosted the first WOW Thinkin in Bangladesh.  WOW Thinkins are a chance to have your say on what and who you would like to see represented; what ideas can be developed into the programme; what in your opinion are the most relevant topics for women today; and what can we build on from previous WOW South Asia festivals.

We are hosting a number of WOW Thinkins outside of Dhaka, culminating in a WOW Dhaka: Chittagong Chapter where we will showcase our findings from WOW Thinkins though discussion and performances. The process of WOW Thinkins will continue to divisional towns in 2018, followed by a launch of an all-singing, all-dancing WOW Dhaka festival in 2019. 


Event Schedule 

12 December 2017

Venue: Chittagong Public Library

Panel Discussion

Discussion Topic

Nari Shakti

Time: 03.05 PM - 03.45 PM

Venue: Reading room 01

Language: Bangla & English

Discussion Topic

Remembering Lives: Bengali women in literature

Time: 04.00 PM - 05.00 PM

Venue: Reading room 01

Language: Bangla & English

WOW Highlights

Presentation by Minaal Choudhury, Bonhishikha to give an overview of WOW Dhaka: Chittagong Chapter

Time: 03.50 PM - 04.00 PM

Venue: Reading room 1

WOW Bites


Ms Lutfunnesa is a teacher from Jamal Khan Kushum Kumary City Corporation Girls High School. She won Commonwealth Science Award (2016) and International School Award for bringing international dimension in connecting classrooms programme.

Sazeda Khatun is one of the peer-leader mentors in The English and Digital for Girls’ Education (EDGE) programme. Sazeda won the Joyeeta award for her contributions in the development of women in her community. Joyeeta Onneshone Bangladesh is a government initiative introduced in 2011-has had a tremendous impact on the society on women empowerment issue.

Time: 04.00 PM - 04.30 PM

Venue: Reading room 2

Music Performance

F Minor has started its journey in 2016. It is the first Indigenous female band in Bangladesh. The band has seven female members representing four different indigenous communities of Bangladesh namely - Chakma, Garo, Tripura and Marma. The band intends to represent the culture of indigenous peoples living in Bangladesh as well as covering the other genres of world music.

Time: 05.30 PM - 06.00 PM

Venue: Reading room 1