Message for Private Candidates

We are aware that there are some cases where students leave schools and then study at private tuition centre before making exam entries as private candidates. Please make sure that you are aware of the challenges you may face before you decide to enter as a private candidate.

  • Private candidates will have to travel to another part of the city for their different examinations. This is because we organise the exam venues according to the locations of our partner schools. This means that we cannot guarantee that your exam will be close to your home. Therefore, you will face extra travel time
  • British Council preference is that all candidates under 18 years old register for their exam entry through a British Council partner school. This will give you a greater range of options during any pandemic, as well as better academic support in preparing for your exams
  • in case of cancellations,you will not be able to participate in any assessed grades processes arranged by UK examination boards
  • in case of cancellations, you will need to withdraw your entry and enter for next series  or attach to a British Council partner school (paying applicable school admission fees at the last minute, subject to availability of admissions at short notice)
  • British Council partner schools benefit from ongoing Teacher Training and other support to develop a quality delivery towards UK qualifications and therefore it is in the interests of students to continue and complete their course of study at a British Council partner school

We wish all students academic success.

See the registration process below:

Step 1: Complete your registration form

My examination board is Pearson Edexcel

Please complete the online registration from the following link -

When you have completed the online process, remember to print your form and sign and date the Declaration.


Pearson Edexcel May-June 2025 exam series registration windows:

Regular registration: 1 January to 9 March 2025
Late registration: 
 10 March to 6 April 2025

My examination board is Cambridge International

Please complete the online registration from the following link -

When you have completed the online process, remember to print your form and sign and date the Declaration.


Cambridge International May-June 2025 exam series registration windows:

Regular registration: 22 December to 10 February 2025
Late registration: 
 11 February to 2 March 2025

Step 2: Pay for your exams

You will find the fees for all exams listed on the registration form. Your application will not be processed until you have paid for your exams. You can pay via a bank deposit through designated Standard and Chartered Banks (SCB). You can find a list of designated banks in the downloads section below.

Penalty fees 

Each examination board has a regular registration timeline for each exam session. You may still be able to register for exams after this date, but you will have to pay a penalty fee. You can find more information about late registration penalty fees on your exam registration form. Keep your stamped bank deposit slip/proof of payment as you will need this to complete your exam registration.

Step 3: Submit your registration form

You have now filled in your registration form and paid for your exams.The final step is to drop your documents in the drop-box kept inside the selected branches of Standard Chartered Bank. 

To do this, you will need:

  1. Your completed and signed registration form. Please make and keep a photocopy of this form for your records. 
  2. Three copies of coloured recent passport sized photographs. These must be identical and taken within the past three months. 
  3. A clear photocopy of your valid passport 
  4. Your stamped bank deposit slip. Please make and keep a photocopy of this deposit slip for your records.

Submit your registration form either at the British Council main offices (Dhaka, Chittagong and Sylhet) or your designated SCB dropbox (list of designated banks in the downloads section below).

Your registration is now complete