Skills for Employability

As a cultural relations organisation with one of the core values being that of mutuality, the skills division of the British Council aims to create common platforms of association between Bangladesh and the UK through partnerships, collaborations and international networks so as to help bridge the skills gap and create employable skills among the workforce. 

Skills for Employability 

Our Skills for Employability projects and partnerships are designed to help improve the employability skills of young people and adults, and let them develop the entrepreneurial talents that will bridge that gap.

By ‘skills for employability’ we mean the knowledge, skills and competences which help people negotiate the labour market and secure a job. These are not just technical or vocational skills, but also 'soft' skills such as entrepreneurship, problem solving and team work, as well as ICT and communication skills

Research in Skills

The aim of research studies in the skills segment are to build research partnerships in order to identify existing skills gap in various sectors and propose possible solutions and way forward by making use of UK’s knowledge and expertise and promote dissemination of ideas so as to bring about amicable working solutions to the skills gap and employability issues. 

The British Council commissioned a research on analysing and understanding the Creative Industries sector of Bangladesh. This particular sector has immense potential to make a significant contribution towards the country’s future economic prosperity. For this study we reached out to both public and private organisations, and finally consolidated all the findings in an authentic report. 

Events and study tours

Through conferences and events, we seek to bring to Bangladesh the best of the UK skills training and vocational education practices, and promote global engagement for the benefit of both the countries.


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