
the British Council

The extent of the Covid-19 pandemic supports as a critical warning that we live in a deeply interconnected world and is a testament to how our lives have changed to a new standard. As Active Citizens, we don’t wait for change to happen. We know that change can come through us, and not just be done to us – and we make change happen. Stories of enormous spirit and unity can also help us become more resilient during this crisis period. In this regard, the British Council is organising a competition titled “Active Citizens Covid-19 Response: Social Action Innovation Ideas” in partnership with Centre for Communication and Development (CCD), Democracywatch, The Hunger Project (THP), Shushilan, Uttaran, Wave Foundation, and Young Power in Social Action (YPSA).

The competition aims to provide young people under the Active Citizens network of Bangladesh with a platform where they can share their innovative ideas in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Competition format

This competition is open to all Active Citizens in Bangladesh who have taken part in the British Council Active Citizens Youth Leadership Training (ACYLT) programme from 2009 onwards. 

The competition will take place in two stages:

Stage 1: SAP showcasing and idea-sharing

  • Please share your existing work on community engagement during or before Covid-19 through a live online showcasing in the social media/video-sharing through a social media link/image of SAP activities in the Active Citizens Bangladesh Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/ac.bgl/) using the hashtag #ConnectedbyIdeas and take a screenshot.
  • Identify a problem/issue related to Covid-19 in your community and describe a possible solution (using digital innovation in social action) in maximum 500 words using the response form. The idea should focus on any of the following themes:



Creative Industry


Civil Society and Governance

Sustainable Energy

Climate Change


Gender Equality 

Youth Employment/ Social Enterprise 

Peace and Social Harmony


Stage 2: Online voting in social media 

The British Council in coordination with the partners will shortlist the top ten ideas from the submitted entries and open the competition for online voting in the social media channel by 30 July 2020. The top three voted ideas will be be the winners of this Competition. 

Submission process 

  • Download and read the response form.
  • Detailed instructions are provided in the response form and in the terms and conditions section, please read them carefully.
  • Complete each box in the response form (either in English or Bangla, word-processed) and sign it.
  • Email the signed response form to Society.Bangladesh@bd.britishcouncil.org with the subject line Active Citizens Covid -19 Response: Social Action Innovation Ideas
  • Along with the response form, send one image file (no collages) from the Social Action Project/link to Facebook Video/link of live online showcasing and the screenshot of the social media post to the Facebook group of Active Citizens Bangladesh. 

Important dates 

  • Submission starts: 30 June 2020 
  • Submission ends: 25 July 2020  2020 at 23:59 (Bangladesh Standard Time)
  • Submission Shortlisting: 26 to 17 August 2020
  • Online voting in social media: 24 Aug - 30 August 2020 at 15:00 (Bangladesh Standard Time)
  • Winner Announcement: 31 August 2020 at 20:00 (Bangladesh Standard Time)

Winners' prizes

Three winning ideas will be selected based on the number of online votes received in the social media. All decisions of the British Council will be final and binding in this regard with no opportunity to appeal. 

The prize consists of the following:

The British Council will also attempt to secure seed funding for their Social Action Projects based on the proposed Covid-19 solution.


Updated on 31 August 2020

To mark all the wonderful contribution and hard work presented by shortlisted applicants, we have decided, along with our partners Centre for Communication and Development (CCD), Democracywatch, The Hunger Project (THP), Shushilan, Uttaran, Wave Foundation, and Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) that top ten ideas are eligible for the prizes!