Researcher Links initiative from British Council Bangladesh

International research collaboration is essential for the global knowledge economy, and it has been shown that internationally mobile researchers tend to be more productive. Furthermore, a shared research interest can help to build trust and relationships between people from very different backgrounds and cultures.

In response to this, and taking advantage of its position as an intercultural relations organisation with global expertise in higher education, the British Council launched the British Council Researcher Links initiative, in partnership with various research and higher education organisations from around the world.

Researcher Links consists of workshops and travel grants, both with a focus on early career researchers.

Researcher Links in Bangladesh

Workshop Title: Building Sustainable and Peaceful Cities: Bangladesh in Comparative Global Perspective
UK Partner:University of Bath, CITICON network (parallel workshop took place in Nigeria)
Bangladesh Partner: Bangladesh Institute for Development Studies

How can I find out more?

For more information about the British Council’s Researcher links, please see the global Researcher Links website.

External links